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Tardiness is not a question of time

16 Apr 24

Truckwatch is the central platform for the planning and monitoring of express scheduled services in the transport industry. Via the web appli­cation, all parties receive an overview of the status of a trip and are informed about delays.

Truckwatch Dashboard

Every 60 seconds the location of the vehicles is determined and the estimated time of arrival at the desti­nation is calculated (ETA). This enables dispatchers, recipients, shippers and carriers to keep an eye on the punctuality of all shipments. A web appli­cation was developed for this purpose, which obtains and processes the GPS and route data of the installed telematics system via an interface.

An intel­ligent alert system informs involved persons about six different event types, such as arrival, delays or departure of a vehicle via SMS or e-mail.

Truckwatch Disposition

Not only the monitoring of the tours, but also the planning and dispatching is done with Truckwatch. Indivi­dually created tour templates greatly simplify the coordi­nation of trips. Subcontractors and customers are integrated into the process, creating trans­parency and saving valuable time.

The dispo­sition tool can optionally be extended with an optimization algorithm. This reduces empty runs, cuts transport costs and optimizes process chains.

Truckwatch Analytics

Die Retro­spektive wird über ein Analy­semodul abgebildet. Perfor­man­ce­mes­sungen zu einzelnen Strecken (Positio­nierung, Abfahrt und Ankunft) sind ebenso möglich wie Auswer­tungen zu Fahrern, Subun­ter­nehmern und Kunden.

Die histo­rischen Daten fliessen ebenfalls ins Optimie­rungs­modell ein für zukünftige Prognosen.

Modulare Weiter­ent­wicklung

Weitere Prozess­schritte wie beispielsweise die Fahrten­ab­rechnung werden laufend dazuent­wickelt. Sämtliche Module und Entwick­lungen basieren auf einem Produkt­ansatz, sodass in Zukunft auch eine Weiter-/​Unter­li­zen­zierung der Software in Betracht gezogen werden kann.

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