Diverse, Software, Success-Stories
Tardiness is not a question of time

vonThomas Maier
16 Apr 24
Truckwatch is the central platform for the planning and monitoring of express scheduled services in the transport industry. Via the web application, all parties receive an overview of the status of a trip and are informed about delays.

Truckwatch Dashboard
Every 60 seconds the location of the vehicles is determined and the estimated time of arrival at the destination is calculated (ETA). This enables dispatchers, recipients, shippers and carriers to keep an eye on the punctuality of all shipments. A web application was developed for this purpose, which obtains and processes the GPS and route data of the installed telematics system via an interface.
An intelligent alert system informs involved persons about six different event types, such as arrival, delays or departure of a vehicle via SMS or e-mail.
Truckwatch Disposition
Not only the monitoring of the tours, but also the planning and dispatching is done with Truckwatch. Individually created tour templates greatly simplify the coordination of trips. Subcontractors and customers are integrated into the process, creating transparency and saving valuable time.
The disposition tool can optionally be extended with an optimization algorithm. This reduces empty runs, cuts transport costs and optimizes process chains.

Truckwatch Analytics
Die Retrospektive wird über ein Analysemodul abgebildet. Performancemessungen zu einzelnen Strecken (Positionierung, Abfahrt und Ankunft) sind ebenso möglich wie Auswertungen zu Fahrern, Subunternehmern und Kunden.
Die historischen Daten fliessen ebenfalls ins Optimierungsmodell ein für zukünftige Prognosen.

Modulare Weiterentwicklung
Weitere Prozessschritte wie beispielsweise die Fahrtenabrechnung werden laufend dazuentwickelt. Sämtliche Module und Entwicklungen basieren auf einem Produktansatz, sodass in Zukunft auch eine Weiter-/Unterlizenzierung der Software in Betracht gezogen werden kann.
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