Data Science, Real Estate, Software, Success-Stories
Track the absorption of new construction projects

vonThomas Maier
17 Apr 24
RealScope zooms daily on the largest new construction projects, stores their data in a standardized format and offers an interactive analysis dashboard.

Hundreds of new construction project websites list available residential properties with sizes and prices, including their current rental or sale status. Although this information would be valuable for the planning and marketing of similar projects, the data is not yet available in an aggregated and historicized form.
View current and past residential sales rates through the microscope and analyse their dependence on price and supply structure.

Added value and concrete benefits for customers
RealScope’s analysis options show investors, project managers and other decision-makers which residential properties are particularly sought-after depending on the region and depending on the price and supply structure, and which sales rates are feasible. With RealScope you have the hotspots in focus.

Which procedure or process is now digital?
Datahouse RealScope automatically checks the current rental or sales status of all major Swiss residential projects, stores the information in a uniform data format and calculates aggregated comparison metrics. RealScope enables the user to perform individual, interactive analyses of heterogeneous data sources, which previously had to be compiled manually.
Would you like to learn more about Datahouse RealScope? Then don’t hesitate to contact Daniel Welter.