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Data Science, Diverse, Success-Stories


Intuitive surveying software for simple and complex surveys

17 Apr 24

Swissmem uses Datasurvey for the annual survey of its members’ use of appren­ti­ceships. We support Swissmem in compiling the questi­onnaire and analysing the results.


Datasurvey enables you to create customised surveys quickly and simply. The software offers many features that enable complex surveys to be carried out problem-free. Take advantage of Datahouse’s statistical expertise by letting us analyse and present your survey findings profes­sionally.

Create a survey

It’s extremely easy to create a survey. The appli­cation guides you through every step of the process. A variety of question types, filter questions and extensive settings enable you to put together your customised questi­onnaire.

Established software

For surveys we use established third-party software or we develop individual software that meets specific requi­rements and is run on our servers. You can either specify your own web address (URL) from which the survey can be downloaded or use one of our URLs free of charge.

A user-defined process

Sometimes, purely online surveys are not enough. Together with us, you can create your customised surveying process combining print and online channels. The physical surveys are automa­tically printed and sent out and subse­quently scanned, analysed and presented together with the online results.

Key features

  • An unlimited number of simultaneous surveys
  • Any number of questions within each survey
  • An unlimited number of respondents for each survey
  • Many different question types
  • Integration of pictures and films into surveys
  • Conditions for questions based on previous answers (filter questions)
  • Anonymous and non-anonymous surveys
  • Open and closed participant groups for surveys
  • Sending of invitations and reminders by email
  • Temporary storage of answers to continue the survey at a later date
  • A simple design editor to adapt your own survey design
  • Handling of the physical process (printing, sending and scanning)

Basic functio­nality

  • A very wide range of functions within the third-party software
  • Hosting and operation by Datahouse
  • Data security: sensitive survey data remains in your hands
  • You own web address (URL) can be used for your survey

Extensions (optional)

  • A customised survey process
  • Combination of print and online surveys
  • Additional statistical evaluations and analyses
  • Reports in your corporate design
  • Own third-party software


The third-party software used by Datahouse was written in PHP and JavaScript and is based on a PostgreSQL database. The platform-independent software can be installed on different environments without restrictions. Datahouse operates the appli­cation on a virtualised or optionally dedicated Linux system with Apache web servers.

Our service

Datahouse supports you in specifying your survey process, adapts existing surveys to the new infra­structure and creates a layout that matches your corporate design.

We advise you on how to formulate your questions so that your survey delivers unambiguous and repre­sen­tative results. We will gladly also take on the hosting of the associated website for you and ensure trouble-free operation with all the necessary updates.