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Data Science, Finance, Software, Success-Stories

Portfolio Optimizer

Rule-based models for optimising the portfolio structure

17 Apr 24

Vontobel wealth management uses the Portfolio Optimizer to manage and optimise its model and customer portfolios.

Tailored asset allocation

The Portfolio Optimizer is a tool for deter­mining and managing strategic and tactical asset allocation (SAA & TAA). Scenarios – known as “bets” – are calculated for various portfolios. The created scenarios are then used to optimise the portfolios and for rebalancing at the asset level. At the end of the process, the Portfolio Optimizer transfers the transactions to the core banking system via interfaces.

Background knowledge

Stehen Sie vor ähnlichen Heraus­for­de­rungen oder haben Sie ein vergleichbares Projekt, bei dem Sie Hilfe benötigen? Dann zögern Sie nicht, Daniel Welter, zuständig für Finanzkunden bei Datahouse, zu kontak­tieren.


Are you facing similar challenges or do you have a similar project you need help with? Then don’t hesitate to contact Daniel Welter, responsible for financial customers at Datahouse.