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Apartment Configurator

Design your dream home

17 Apr 24

The Apartment Confi­gurator enables building fittings to be determined simply and in a fun manner, from the layout to the interiors. A large proportion of the sales process has also been digitised. The Aglaya green skyscraper is the first building in Switz­erland in which the Apartment Confi­gurator was used.

The Aglaya success story

Datahouse developed the Apartment Confi­gurator together with ZugEstates. It was used for the very first time on the Aglaya project, a green skyscraper in Risch-Rotkreuz.

Aglaya thus became the first construction project in Switz­erland that offered buyers and interested parties an oppor­tunity to configure apartments online.

This allowed ZugEstates to take a major step towards digiti­sation without losing sight of its customers. Interested parties are guided through the confi­gu­ration process in a simple and fun way. The time-consuming job of drawing up furnishing alter­natives has been digitised and additional trans­parency created in terms of the price structure.

Apartment Confi­gurator

The Apartment Confi­gurator is an online tool that you can seamlessly integrate into your marketing website. Just like a vehicle confi­gurator, interested parties can put together their own home indivi­dually, choosing between different variations for the interiors. Of course, this all remains within the framework of options that you have defined. The finished confi­gu­ration is saved and can be processed further by the sales organi­sation (e.g. estate agents).

The Apartment Confi­gurator is offered as a web appli­cation including the associated interfaces. The apartment data, confi­gu­ration options and the associated images are imported into the Apartment Confi­gurator. The completed confi­gu­ration can be exported to building infor­mation modelling (BIM) software via an interface.


The software is adapted to your needs and desires, depending on your construction project and the confi­gu­ration options for the apartments. The front-end design is defined as a style guide (HTML/​CSS speci­fi­cations) by an external agency and integrated by Datahouse.


Would you like to find out more about the Apartment Confi­gurator? Then visit the product page at www.wohnungs­kon­fi­ ZugEstates isn’t alone in trusting this technology. Other well-known construction firms are also using the confi­gurator for small and large projects alike.