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«Digital Shift» on the issue of data science

10 Jan 19

Digital Shift is a discussion forum on digital trans­for­mation. The February event will deal with the issue of data science and consider the connection between science and the business world.

Abbildung 1: Venn-Diagramm der künstlichen Intelligenz

A presen­tation by Daniel Meister

Daniel Meister, our CTO, will give a presen­tation on why data science projects fail within an organi­sation.

«Digital Shift» February event

Data science and data-based decision-making are an important new domain for companies to consider. We will therefore be taking a closer look at and discussing the connection between data science and corporate strategy.

“We believe it is important to create a bridge between the goal (corporate decisions) and the oppor­tu­nities offered by the tool (data science). Only then can data science answer business-critical questions from which strategies or action can be derived.”

Thomas Ebermann from Liip will give a presen­tation on what companies need to make data-based decisions. Datahouse’s Daniel Meister will address the question of why data science projects fail within an organi­sation.


The meeting will take place at Hinderling Volkart (Baden­er­strasse 415, 8003 Zurich) at 7pm on Wednesday 27 February. You can register to take part in the discussion by applying directly to register@digital-shift.org. As always, the number of parti­cipants will be limited.